Friday, 4 March 2016

Non-Students and Voting in Society Elections

Dear members,

As a society we are obligated to use a template for our constitution provided by them. There are parts which we are entitled to change, but much of it is non-negotiable.

This was implemented before last year, and the template includes this clause:

10. Election of the Committee
Point 10.4 - Only Society members who are also full members of YUSU shall be entitled to vote.

This clause is in place to ensure that societies are run by students, and can demonstrably be so. As a society with a large non-student membership this clause can by used by YUSU and the society to justify ourselves as a student society.

Owing to the large and active community of non-students within SFNF, we have since spoken to YUSU's representatives to consider ways in which alumni might be better accommodated and acknowledged. We are sorry to announce that point 10.4 is mandatory if we are to remain ratified as a YUSU Society.

However, there are other possibilities. If we reach quorum at the EGM on 10/03/16, we will now include a discussion of inclusion of advisory posts which the president appoints on the advice of the society as a whole in the case of the absence of eligible abnormal member nominations. Another option might be the inclusion of a non-student representative or similar.

Please do speak to the President or Secretary with any concerns or ideas. The committee fully wishes to represent all members of the society and their contribution fairly.

Many thanks,

Tegwen Hammersley

Isaac Toman Grief

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