Monday, 7 March 2016

Week 10: The Winds of Winter

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Confucius


Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR (or G/001 and G/002 if no one is there)
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/006
Thursday 18:00 - Extraordinary General Meeting in V/045
Thursday 19:30 - Society Meal at Wagamama's
Thursday 20:00 - Social in Derwent Bar
Thursday 20:00 - Films in V/045
Saturday 13:00 - Wargames in W/035E + W/035F
Saturday 18:30 - Changeling in W/301, W/304, W/306, W/307

Extraordinary General Meeting

It was agreed at the Annual General Meeting to elect an Events Officer. The remit of the Events Officer will be to organise Convention, Fresher's Fair and informal social events

The EGM will not vote on a constitutional change. After discussions with YUSU, it is impossible to include a clause allowing non-students to vote in our constitution. However, if there is time we would like to discussion other options about involving non-students in the committee.

Email voting for Events Officer is open. Please make it clear that you are voting for this election in the title bar and vote for either (a) Rosie Cook, Jon Fry and Adella Gill or (b) Re-Open Nominations. Voting will close at midnight on Wednesday the 9th

Society Meal

We will be sending out an email to everyone who has RSVP'd. Bear with me it's coming soon!

Merchandise. We have some interest in Society hoodies and mugs. We'll be looking into merchandise over the Easter break with the intention of having it before next September.

External Announcements

Please be aware that any paid member of the society can email in with something they'd like to be in the weekly email (within reason).even if it isn't SF'n'F content related. We'll also have announcements from non-society members who have emailed in with something relevant. In other words we won't be including advertising unless the advertiser has paid their £4.

This week: we have Adella Gill's third year psychology survey about possible links between clumsiness in primary school and adult self-esteem. Please take five minutes to contribute to the sum of human knowledge

Friday, 4 March 2016

Non-Students and Voting in Society Elections

Dear members,

As a society we are obligated to use a template for our constitution provided by them. There are parts which we are entitled to change, but much of it is non-negotiable.

This was implemented before last year, and the template includes this clause:

10. Election of the Committee
Point 10.4 - Only Society members who are also full members of YUSU shall be entitled to vote.

This clause is in place to ensure that societies are run by students, and can demonstrably be so. As a society with a large non-student membership this clause can by used by YUSU and the society to justify ourselves as a student society.

Owing to the large and active community of non-students within SFNF, we have since spoken to YUSU's representatives to consider ways in which alumni might be better accommodated and acknowledged. We are sorry to announce that point 10.4 is mandatory if we are to remain ratified as a YUSU Society.

However, there are other possibilities. If we reach quorum at the EGM on 10/03/16, we will now include a discussion of inclusion of advisory posts which the president appoints on the advice of the society as a whole in the case of the absence of eligible abnormal member nominations. Another option might be the inclusion of a non-student representative or similar.

Please do speak to the President or Secretary with any concerns or ideas. The committee fully wishes to represent all members of the society and their contribution fairly.

Many thanks,

Tegwen Hammersley

Isaac Toman Grief