Monday, 15 February 2016

Week 7: Your Society Needs You!

Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/006
Thursday 20:00 - Films in D/L/116 followed by Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 13:00 - Free-for-all Wargames in W/035E + W/035F
Saturday 17:30 - Pantheon LARP in W/301, W/304, W/306 + W/307
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in D/L/002 + D/L/006


As noted above, Pantheon will be run in the evening this Saturday, instead of the afternoon as it was previously. 18:00 is the estimated for time in, so please arrive early so that we can start as soon as possible!


Please note that society films this week are in a different, and smaller, room.


Regarding committee positions, elections are going to be held the week after next, and we find ourselves IN DIRE STRAITS! So far, we have not had any nominations for signatories. If you are going to be a student next year, please consider nominating yourself for president, secretary or treasurer. If you are not a student, the other positions (webmaster, librarian, card games rep, boardgames rep, LARP rep, and wargames rep) are still open to you. PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP! THIS MAY BE ONE YOUR LAST CHANCE!

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I am writing on behalf of the Durham University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society.  We're holding an event this term that we think your members might be interested in.

Taking place on Saturday March 5th, the Durham Sci-Fi and Fantasy Lit-Fest will be Durham's first convention focused on genre literature. Guests of Honour will be Richard Morgan (author of 'A Land Fit For Heroes' and writer for 'Crysis 2' and 'Black Widow') and Lauren Owen (author of 'The Quick'). They will be reading excerpts from their latest novels and will be answering attendees' questions on starting their own creative writing journey in a Q&A panel session. Doors open at 1pm at the Kingsgate Bar, Durham Students Union, New Elvet, DH1 3AN.

Tickets are only £1.50 and are available at

It would be great if you could let your members know about this event. Let us know if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Maciej Matuszewski

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