Sunday, 28 February 2016

Week 9: A New Hope

"If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merry place " Thorin Oakenshield


Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR (or G/001 and G/002 if no one is there)
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/006
Thursday 20:00 - Social in Derwent Bar
Thursday 20:00 - Films in V/045
Saturday 12:30 - Tabletop Day in G/001. G/002, G/010, G/013, G/020
Saturday 13:00 - Wargames in W/035E + W/035F
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in D/L/002 + D/L/006

New Committee!

Hello, I'm Isaac your new friendly neighborhood secretary. Please bear with us with the inevitable teething troubles. If you fancy being helpful, please send everything into the account before Sunday morning when this email will be getting written from hereon.

Emergency General Meeting

It was agreed at the Annual General Meeting to elect an Events Officer. The remit of the Events Officer will be to organise Convention, Fresher's Fair and informal social events. If you wish to nominate yourself for the position please do so before Wednesday the 2nd. After that, email voting will open. The EGM itself will occur on Thursday the 10th.

The EGM will not vote on a constitutional change. After discussions with YUSU, it is impossible to include a clause allowing non-students to vote in our constitution.


Wargames will be occurring on a more regular basis next term, run by Daniel Bean. This week there will be Warhammer 40k.

Tabletop Day

This week heralds the much anticipated Tabletop Day!

The theme of Term 2 is Linked Games

We have a set of 5 games to be run by Tom, Thomas, Tas & Jake, Katrina and Paul, these games will be set in a variety of different settings.

Players may find themselves able to move between these games and play in multiple games during the same session!

Vague Structure of the day

Assemble at 12:30 in G/001, set of 5 linked games run until around 6ish
Pizza and other food after the first lot of games.

Then a second set of individual games in the evening if people are happy to keep going!

We have no definite plans for games in the evening slot so people are free to run what they wish.

Society Meal

Wagamama's on Thursday the 10th, after the EGM. Please declare interest by Monday the 7th.


There has been some interest in Society Hoodies and Mugs. If anyone thinks this is a good idea, let us know and we'll get on the case.

AGM follow up and committee announcements

Dear members,

We would like to announce the 2016-17 committee.

President: Tegwen Hammersley
Secretary: Isaac Toman Grief
Treasurer: Elly Brine
Kit Officer: Connor Fitzgerald
Abnormal Member for LARP: Max Brown
AM for Tabletop: Thomas Irving
AM for Boardgames: Patrick Clarke Williams
AM for Cardgames: Cai Terry
AM for Wargames: Daniel Bean
Librarian: Brandon Keane
Webmaster: David Gundry

As a result of motions discussed during the AGM, an EGM will take place on Thursday the 10th of March, at 18:00 in V/045 to elect an Events Officer. Nominations are open, so if you wish to stand for this position please email the society before Wednesday 2nd March. Further information will be included in an email tomorrow.

Other conclusions from the AGM:

The Society shall remain the Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, although the name shall be reviewed at the next AGM with the intention of changing it if we still feel that the actions of the society do not reflect the name.

It was suggested that there be a vote to allow non-student members of the society to vote. Unfortunately, this clause is a non-negotiable part of the constitution that YUSU insist on, and can therefore not be changed, no matter the outcome of a potential vote.

It was agreed that an EGM should be held to elect an Events Officer. The Events officer will be responsible for convention scheduling, fresher's fair organisation and promoting informal social occasions (such as the Thursday films and a proposed book club).

Formal minutes are available upon request.

Many thanks,

The Committee of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Society

Monday, 22 February 2016

Week 8: Elections!

Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Tuesday 20:00 - Boardgames in G/020 and G/002
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/006
Thursday 20:00 - AGM Elections Meeting in P/L/005 followed by Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 13:00 - Wargames in W/035E + W/035F
Saturday 11:00 - Final Fortress LARP G/001, G/002 and G/020.
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in D/L/002 + D/L/006

Edit:  This week boardgames will not be occuring today. Instead, it will be happening tomorrow (Tuesday) in rooms G/020 and G/002 in James College from 8 pm. Also, on Saturday the 4th session of Final Fortress LARP will be taking place in G/001, G/002 and G/020. Please turn up from 11 to time in at 12.


Wargames are starting again on a more regular basis on Saturday, primarily organised and run by Daniel Bean. If you fancy playing 40K, feel free to turn up and join in.


If you would like to share a coach direct from York to Empire Larp this Easter, please book a coach place at the following link: Cost will be around £30 depending on numbers. We will be leaving Friday morning, returning Monday evening, with plenty of luggage space. Any questions please contact


The Election process for committee positions has now officially begun! To vote for a candidate, either reply to this email, or come along to the meeting on Thursday, open to all Society members. If you are running for any position on the list, please turn up to the meeting in order to explain why you should be considered for the role. The candidates are as follows: 


  • Tegwen Hammersley
  • RON (Re-open nominations)


  • Isaac Toman Grief
  • RON


  • Elly Brine
  • RON

Equipment Officer

  • Connor Fitzgerald
  • RON

Abnormal Member for Tabletop

  • Thomas Irving
  • RON

Abnormal Member for LARP

  • Max Brown
  • RON

Regarding the remaining positions, nobody has put themselves forward, so they are all currently at RON by default. If you wish to nominate yourselves for any of them (Webmaster, Librarian, Cardgames Rep, Wargames Rep) or for any of the other potions you have until Thursday. Be prepared to arrive to the meeting and explain yourself.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Week 7: Your Society Needs You!

Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/006
Thursday 20:00 - Films in D/L/116 followed by Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 13:00 - Free-for-all Wargames in W/035E + W/035F
Saturday 17:30 - Pantheon LARP in W/301, W/304, W/306 + W/307
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in D/L/002 + D/L/006


As noted above, Pantheon will be run in the evening this Saturday, instead of the afternoon as it was previously. 18:00 is the estimated for time in, so please arrive early so that we can start as soon as possible!


Please note that society films this week are in a different, and smaller, room.


Regarding committee positions, elections are going to be held the week after next, and we find ourselves IN DIRE STRAITS! So far, we have not had any nominations for signatories. If you are going to be a student next year, please consider nominating yourself for president, secretary or treasurer. If you are not a student, the other positions (webmaster, librarian, card games rep, boardgames rep, LARP rep, and wargames rep) are still open to you. PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP! THIS MAY BE ONE YOUR LAST CHANCE!

External Advertisements


I am writing on behalf of the Durham University Science Fiction and Fantasy Society.  We're holding an event this term that we think your members might be interested in.

Taking place on Saturday March 5th, the Durham Sci-Fi and Fantasy Lit-Fest will be Durham's first convention focused on genre literature. Guests of Honour will be Richard Morgan (author of 'A Land Fit For Heroes' and writer for 'Crysis 2' and 'Black Widow') and Lauren Owen (author of 'The Quick'). They will be reading excerpts from their latest novels and will be answering attendees' questions on starting their own creative writing journey in a Q&A panel session. Doors open at 1pm at the Kingsgate Bar, Durham Students Union, New Elvet, DH1 3AN.

Tickets are only £1.50 and are available at

It would be great if you could let your members know about this event. Let us know if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Maciej Matuszewski

Monday, 8 February 2016

Week 6: For Hope, Unity and DETERMINATION

Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/006
Thursday 20:00 - Films in V/045 followed by Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 13:00 - Free-for-all Wargames in W/035E + W/035F
Saturday 18:00 - Changeling in W/301, W/304, W/306 + W/307
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in D/L/002 + D/L/006

News and Announcements

  • Elections will be occurring in three weeks, and we still require signatories! If you are interested in becoming president, secretary, or treasurer next year and are a student, please do get in touch!
  • Message from our Tabletop Representative! If you are interested in co-GM-ing as part of duel-GM led game for Tabletop day, please get in touch via the forums or by emailing in to society. 
  • Calling all Empire players! If you are planning to attend the next event and you need transport from York, please fill in a form on the society forums. 

Monday, 1 February 2016

Week 5: The Halfway House

Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/006
Thursday 20:00 - Films in V/045 followed by Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 13:00 - Free-for-all Wargames in W/035E + W/035F
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in D/L/002 + D/L/006

News and Announcements

  • A reminder that elections are approaching fast! Nobody as of yet has put their name forward as a signatory, so if you are interested in becoming president, secretary, or treasurer next year and are a student, please do get in touch! 
  • A message from our Tabletop Representative! If you are interested in co-GM-ing as part of duel-GM led game for Tabletop day, please get in touch via the forums or by emailing in to society.
  • Calling all willing wargamers. A society member, Daniel Bean, is looking for fellow enthusiasts who are interested in playing 40K. If you wish to do so, please  email the society and we will put you in touch with him.