Game Name: Theo’s 5e DnD Game
GM Name: Theo Adams
GM email/forum handle: tja524
System: 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons
Tone: Set in a somewhat classic fantasy setting, it will be a plot-driven game, but hopefully a light-hearted atmosphere - not dark and gritty.
Number of Players: One already confirmed, but three more are needed!
When: Either a Tuesday or Thursday night (depending on when people are available), 7 till late.
Brief Description: This will be quite a classic Dungeons and Dragons game, although hopefully one that is a little more complex than the cliche. We’ll be using the standard 5th edition rules, starting at level one, but it’ll be set in a homebrew world (Poorly made and unfinished map included), with all the races having different histories (although similar characteristics) than they do in the Player’s Handbook.
When the game begins the party members will all have responded to a plea by one of the larger towns (Tailsteer, if you’re following along with the map) in the Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia for some adventurers to come and help them stop the frequent Orc raids that the town and surrounding villages have been hit with recently. The town mayor will have sent them, along with a captain of the town guards, on the road to one of the neighbouring Human kingdoms (Lawden). This kingdom has often dealt with Orc raids over the recent decades, and the mission the mayor has sent the party members on is to try and find some information about how they can be stopped. Hijinks, political intrigue, and some serious Orc-slaying ensue. This is a campaign where your actions will have consequence, and shape the world around you.
The 5e Basic Rules are available online, and I have a Player’s Handbook, so you won’t need to provide anything (although a set of dice is always nice!). Although I ran a 4th edition campaign for a couple of years, this is my first time running 5e, and beginners, either to 5e, DnD, or tabletop roleplaying as a whole, are welcome and encouraged. I also put a post about this on the forums, although it’s just all the same info as above.
I also added to the google doc, so hopefully I should get some emails soon!
Many thanks,
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