SF&F AGM Minutes
(1) Attendance
(2) Library
- Library officer Brandon gave a report on the status of the library and the plan to consolidate it:
- He has collected what he thought was the whole library, but Lemon Press
have confirmed the presence of more books in their offices
- Brandon is asking for help from someone with a car to transfer the books
from campus to his house (please email sfandf@yusu.org if you can help)
- The plan is still to produce a spreadsheet, and collect ticks for each
book, planning to keep/sell/charity shop the books depending on
popularity. This will hopefully leave us with a more consolidated and
useable library
(3) Renaming
- Jon proposed renaming the society to something that better reflects the activities of the society
- It was discussed, and decided that doing so would restrict our options in the future
(4) Film Screenings
- It was suggested that we should restart film screenings, which would also help support the SF&F name
- Having a new Abnormal Member for films was suggested, but concluded that it would be better to see if they start first
- If anyone wants to help organise screenings, or have suggestions for
films they want to see, please email us.
(5) Constitution
- We examined the YUSU template constitution, and suggested some aims and objectives for the constitution
- We did not have quorum present, so changes will be proposed, and
arguments given for/against in email, leading to an online and in person
vote held at an EGM held by the new committee
- In the new
constitution we will acknowledge the other 'similar' societies such as
Anime or Hacksoc, and explain our differences
(6) Vampire Isles of Darkness LARP
- Do you take part in this LARP, or plan to take part in it (see weekly
email)? Please let us know if this is the case
(7) Hustings and Elections for the 2015-2016 committee
The following were elected:
- Chairbeing - Wug
- President - Tegwen Hammersley
- Treasurer - Rosie Cook
- Secretary - Elly Brine
- Kit Officer - Issac Grief
- Webmaster - David Gundry
- Librarian - Brandon Keane
- Abnormal Member for Boardgames - Patrick Clarke-Williams
- Abnormal Member for Cardgames - Will Arnup
- Abnormal Member for LARP - Max Brown
- Abnormal Member for Tabletop Games - Tom Parker
- Abnormal Member for Wargames - Thomas Irving
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