Monday, 16 March 2015

Minutes from the AGM

SF&F AGM Minutes

(1) Attendance

  • 17 people in attendance

(2) Library

  • Library officer Brandon gave a report on the status of the library and the plan to consolidate it:
  • He has collected what he thought was the whole library, but Lemon Press have confirmed the presence of more books in their offices
  • Brandon is asking for help from someone with a car to transfer the books from campus to his house (please email if you can help)
  • The plan is still to produce a spreadsheet, and collect ticks for each book, planning to keep/sell/charity shop the books depending on popularity.  This will hopefully leave us with a more consolidated and useable library

(3) Renaming

  • Jon proposed renaming the society to something that better reflects the activities of the society
  • It was discussed, and decided that doing so would restrict our options in the future

(4)  Film Screenings

  • It was suggested that we should restart film screenings, which would also help support the SF&F name
  • Having a new Abnormal Member for films was suggested, but concluded that it would be better to see if they start first
  • If anyone wants to help organise screenings, or have suggestions for films they want to see, please email us.

(5) Constitution

  • We examined the YUSU template constitution, and suggested some aims and objectives for the constitution
  • We did not have quorum present, so changes will be proposed, and arguments given for/against in email, leading to an online and in person vote held at an EGM held by the new committee
  • In the new constitution we will acknowledge the other 'similar' societies such as Anime or Hacksoc, and explain our differences

(6) Vampire Isles of Darkness LARP

  • Do you take part in this LARP, or plan to take part in it (see weekly email)?  Please let us know if this is the case

(7) Hustings and Elections for the 2015-2016 committee

The following were elected:
  • Chairbeing - Wug
  • President - Tegwen Hammersley
  • Treasurer - Rosie Cook
  • Secretary - Elly Brine
  • Kit Officer - Issac Grief
  • Webmaster - David Gundry
  • Librarian - Brandon Keane
  • Abnormal Member for Boardgames - Patrick Clarke-Williams
  • Abnormal Member for Cardgames - Will Arnup
  • Abnormal Member for LARP - Max Brown
  • Abnormal Member for Tabletop Games - Tom Parker
  • Abnormal Member for Wargames - Thomas Irving

Monday, 9 March 2015

Week 10: The End Approaches

Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in the Peter Lee Dining Room, Wentworth
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/035E
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003, D/L/006 + D/L/007
Thursday 19:00 -  Society Meal at Wagamama in York
Saturday 12:00 - Wargames in G/002
Saturday 18:30 - Changeling in W/301, W/304, W/306 + W/307

Attention anyone living on Campus: There will be a walking bus on Thursday to go to Wagamama. Please arrive in the Vanbrugh Stalls at 18:30 for its departure.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Week 9: It's time for Week Nine!

Hi everyone,

This is your newly elected secretary, Elly Brine speaking. Thank you all for voting for me instead of RON. I've never met him personally but he seems pretty fully of himself so I'm glad he didn't get the job. Also, this is my first time doing this and I'm trying really hard not to mess up. If I do, I'm very sorry.

So, onwards to glory!


Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in the Peter Lee Dining Room, Wentworth
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/035E
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003, D/L/006 + D/L/007
Thursday 18:00 - Social in Derwent Bar
Thursday 21:00 -  Committee Handover in D/L/006
Saturday 13:00 - Wargames in G/002
Sunday 12:30 -  Impact in D/L/037

Election Results

Congratulations to the new committee:
Chairbeing - Wug

President - Tegwen Hammersley
Treasurer - Rosie Cook
Secretary - Elly Brine

Kit Officer - Issac Grief
Webmaster - David Gundry
Librarian - Brandon Keane
Abnormal Member for Boardgames - Patrick Clarke-Williams
Abnormal Member for Cardgames - Will Arnup
Abnormal Member for LARP - Max Brown
Abnormal Member for Tabletop Games - Tom Parker
Abnormal Member for Wargames - Thomas Irving

Minutes of the AGM to follow.


Isles of Darkness - York (From Hannah Bridgeman)

We are a national New World of Darkness roleplaying society, with shared continuity across all games in all cities. As of March/April a new chronicle is starting, and York will be running Vampire: the Requiem and Changeling: the Lost as part of this. The society also holds national games every six months, and periodic weekend games which are over 2-3 days (Requiem has one scheduled in York next spring). If anyone is interested in joining either game could they please email Hannah Bridgeman at York.Requiem.LST [at] islesofdarkness [dot] com


This has been running a few months in the new chronicle already. Vampire is a fairly political game also containing other elements, centred around the city of York, with some plots taking place around the region, in Hull and Bradford. Current plots include investigations into a Masquerade breach, finding adoptive sires for young and naive vampires, and implementing the treaty signed in Glasgow last weekend. Manchester also run a monthly Requiem game and there is definite crossover between the two, with the York game getting visitors every month.


This is slated to start in the next couple of months. It will be a game of setting up a Barony to start with, as in the National Setting the Freehold of the North covers the entire region, and is divided into Baronies with elected Baron and possible council. As some players are new to the game, it will start off with fairly light plot, which should allow the exploration of the local Hedge and meeting with some local NPCs. Doncaster are starting a Lost game around the same time as us, with a 'Steampunk' styling behind it, and we are told to expect visitors from there.