Monday, 5 January 2015

Week 1: Exams :(

Not too much on this week as its undergrad exam time.  However, rooms have been booked for boardgames and wargaming if people want to turn up.


Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in W/243
Thursday 20:00 - Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 12:00 - Warhammer in G/020
Saturday 19:00 - Changeling  in V/044 & V/045


Convention will be 16-18th Jan in W/035 & W/30x rooms.  There'll be plenty of boardgames as normal, and David is bringing all the wargaming scenery and is setting up some Grimdark Racing for Friday evening, so just bring along a tank/bike/monster etc.  If anyone else wants to advertise something before hand, please get in touch with me and I'll add it to next weeks email.

Mordhiem BTB starts up again on Sat 24th.  Still plenty of time to get involved if you didn't last term.

The timetable for the term will be:

Monday - MtG and Boardgames
Wednesday - YuGiOh and Impact
Thursday - Social
Saturday - Mordheim (odd weeks) and Wargames (even weeks), sometimes Vampire IoD or Changeling
Sunday - Impact

Got any other events you want to start, have rooms booked for, or to advertise?  Get it touch, and I'll add them to the emails.  As always, the forums are a great place to find people interested in the same stuff as you.

Thomas Irving
SF&F Secretary

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