Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in the Peter Lee Dining Room, WentworthMonday 20:00 - Boardgames in Wentworth W/035E + W/035F
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/002, D/L/003 + D/L/007
Thursday 20:00 - Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 12:00 - Mordheim in G/001 + G/002
Saturday 19:00 - Changeling in W/301, W/304, W/306 + W/307
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in D/L/037
Boardgames is in Wentworth College tonight, not James.Remember to join the society forums.
Don't know where to go for Wednesday Impact? Jai will be leaving the campus Nisa for Derwent at 18:15-18:30, so find them there if you need a guide.
New to LARP, and looking for kit? Kate will be leading a charity shop run on Saturday of Week 6.
Have you not paid membership yet, or have paid but not received a membership card? Please let the Secretary know, so we know how many more cards we need to make. Remember, you can pay online. Membership is only £4 for the year, and gets you 10% off RPG books at Travelling Man.
Mordheim is starting this week.
If you have any questions, or want a room booking, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Thomas Irving
SF&F Secretary
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