Monday, 27 April 2015

Week 3: Is the Warm Weather Here to Stay?


Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/307
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/008, D/L/003 and D/L/002 
Thursday 18:00 - Social in Derwent Bar
Saturday 13:00 - Mordheim in G/002  
Sunday 12:30- Impact in D/L/037

Post-Convention Notices

Unfortunately, a few of the boardgames which were brought to convention have gone missing, including Eclipse (and expansions), Castle of Burgundy and Munchkin. If you have accidentally picked up any of these or others, please return them as soon as possible.

It has also come to our attention that some people were drinking alcohol in one of the downstairs rooms of Wentworth during convention (and leaving bottles in the room). Please note that this is not allowed and, if this continues to happen, we may be asked to stop using the rooms in future.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Week 2: Convention


Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in W/035E and W/035F
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact in D/L/008, D/L/003 and D/L/002 
Thursday 18:00 - Social in Derwent Bar
Friday 18:00 - Convention in W/301, W/304, W/306, W/307, W/035E and W/035F
Saturday 7:00 - Convention in W/301, W/304, W/306, W/307, W/035E and W/035F
Saturday 12:00 - Wargames in G/002  
Sunday 7:00 - Convention in W/301, W/304, W/306, W/307, W/035E and W/035F
Sunday 12:30- Impact in D/L/037 


As noted above, convention is on this weekend in the Wentworth rooms. There is no formalised timetable or structure for the events on during convention, so if you want to play boardgames or run a one-off tabletop game, please come along and there will be a room free.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Week 1: Welcome Back

*waves* Hello everyone! Hope you all had a relaxing holiday and that you're all ready to get back to some term-time sfandf related fun.

Monday 19:00 - Magic the Gathering in W/243
Monday 20:00 - Boardgames in James SCR
Wednesday 13:00 - Yu-Gi-Oh in W/306 and W/307
Wednesday 19:00 - Impact outside on the LARP field of dreams (weather permitting). Back up rooms in W/301 and W/307
Thursday 18:00 - Social in Derwent Bar 
Saturday 13:00 - Mordheim in G/002
Saturday 18:30 - Changeling in W/301, W/304, W/306 + W/307
Sunday 12:30 - Impact in V/045 Lecture Theatre

Please note that some of the above rooms are different from usual.

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Not yet a fully payed member of the society? Please get in contact with our Treasurer, Rosie Cook.



