Wug (Chairbeing)
The Wug stands for the natural pluralisation of people - in their coming together and their being in the same place, they pluralise themselves, and what can be better but to be among your own kind?If elected, The Wug promises to promote the acceptance of all non-standard forms of pluralisation, and to build a giant spaceship for all of SF&F to hang out in.
The Wug loves everyone equally, for no form of being is incorrect, if done by a native be-er. As we are all native be-ers, we are all correct, however non-standard. (And really, the non-standard ways of being are clearly more fun.)
The Wug's qualifications are that it is a be-er, and also super nerdy. (The Wug's hobbies include playing watching Mythbusters, being a test for internalisation of English Pluralisation, and watching. Just. Watching.)
Nathan van Doorn (Treasurer)
Hello, I'm Nathan van Doorn, a second-year student of Maths and Computer Science, and I am running for Treasurer. I would like to be treasurer for SF&F, and I think I am the right chap for the job because I have experience being a treasurer for a YUSU society in my role as Treasurer for HackSoc, and I am enthusiastic about the Sci Fi and Fantasy society. Vote for me, I guess, unless you think another candidate is a better choice.Rosie Cook (Treasurer)
Hi! My name is Rosie, I'm a second year law student and I am running for treasurer.Actual skills I possess: A-levels in Maths and Further Maths (so basically I can show my working and use a calculator), I can use Excel, I can do paperwork and actual adult emails and vaguely worded threats if people don’t give me money. Like a certain house from a certain popular TV show, I always pay my debts.
Experience: I have budgeted the costume department for three pantomimes, all of them running way under budget and saving a whole load of money for the society. I also budgeted the entirety of my first year. I know. I don’t know how. I do law, so I’m familiar with rules and regulations and having to angrily email people who aren’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing. I also know that theft, fraud, embezzlement, and a variety of other criminal offences and economic torts are MORALLY WRONG.
Also, I'm not on the committee for any other society, so the position will have my full, undivided attention!
So basically, vote for me, and I’ll keep us on the right side of the law/YUSU/morality chart (delete as appropriate). At least, as far as the money’s concerned…
Even if you’re not going to vote for me, thanks for taking the time to read it!